Sandy Richards
Daily reading routines morphed into a love of writing for Sandy after she read her first collection of Nancy Drew mystery books as a pre-teen. Journaling through teenage angst, young adult drama, marriage, children, divorce, and work experiences, provided her with varied future storylines.
Sandy’s life changed dramatically in September 2003. Her son, Tyler Jordan Richards, born June 4, 1987, passed away from injuries sustained in a car accident on September 21, 2003. He was 16 years old and had been driving for three months. Through music, reading and journaling, Sandy slowly began living her “new normal” life. A new normal…radically changed world; the world of a parent who has lost a child.

As part of her healing process, she took on the challenge of writing a 50,000 word novel in thirty days. National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) in November 2010 launched her quest to put into words the true story of her love, loss, and healing.
The result of Sandy’s month-long writing effort is chronicled in A Far Cry…From Home — A Mother’s Journey of Love, Loss and Healing…Through the Eyes of an Angel. Her hope is that by sharing her story, she might bring comfort to other parents who have endured the loss of a child.
Sandy has since published two children’s books, award-winning Grammy Do... and Green Snakes on the Ceiling. More children’s books are in the works along with a fictional romance novel to be released in 2023.
The second edition of A Far Cry…From Home was released in January 2021 which includes a new cover, a special memorial dedication page recognizing those young people who left us too soon, and an afterword filled with hope.

Sandy Richards’
Career Highlights
copies sold
award winning
Memoir & Children’s Books

A Far Cry... From Home
A poignant, deeply effecting journey of healing after unbearable loss that is painful yet full of hope and inspiration.
Grammy Do...
A children’s story that whimsically portrays the special bond between a grandmother and her grandchildren.

Sandy Richards’
Photo Gallery

sandy richards' blog
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