
Follow My Journey

“The love of a mother for her child is undeniably the strongest emotion in the human soul.” I penned those few words in A Far Cry…From Home, knowing full well that I had written an absolute truth. When I learned that I was pregnant with my oldest son Tyler, I was showered with a range of emotions. Excitement, apprehension, terror, pride. You name, I felt it. When I looked into his face for the first time, I experienced overwhelming love and protectiveness. I became a “ninja mama” vowing that there is no way any harm would come to this child. I would teach him to follow the right path.

Less than two years later, I discovered I was pregnant with my youngest son, Austin. All those old feelings came rushing back, surfing in on a tidal wave of fear. How in the world could I possibly have enough love left in my heart for another child? Nine months of fretting came to an abrupt halt the moment I laid eyes on my baby boy. Love, in its purest form, flowed from every pore as I checked out each of his fingers, toes, and miraculous eyelashes that framed the bluest of eyes. Oh yes, there was plenty of love to go around.

With parental love comes responsibility – a responsibility to raise your children to be respectful, kind, honest and self-assured. Teach them to make good choices and to learn from their mistakes. But most of all, teach them to love…their family, their friends…their life.

As a grandmother to four bright and remarkable children, with a beautiful baby girl ready to make her appearance in about three months, the same thoughts and emotions hold true for them. My heart swells with pride and love as the circle of life continues.

As Mitch Albom writes in For One More Day, “There’s a story behind everything…but behind all your stories is always your mother’s story…because hers is where yours begins.” Set the example; be the life story you want your children to follow. One day, they too, will experience the remarkable feeling of unconditional love…that moment they hold their own child for the very first time.

Thanks for reading!

– Sandy Richards

Sandy Richards is a devoted mom and celebrated author whose experience of losing a child has allowed her to connect, inspire and heal with other grieving parents through her memoir A Far Cry ...From Home and her blog. In addition, Sandy strives each day to inspire children to read, imagine, and smile through her award winning children’s books and ongoing volunteerism in her local school district. Sandy lives with her husband, Joe, in Milford, MI.