“I send thank-you notes, not emails, even if I’m staying at a friend’s house or something. I’m very old school.” – Margot Robbie (Australian...
The Ageless Power of a Handwritten Thank-You Note
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“I send thank-you notes, not emails, even if I’m staying at a friend’s house or something. I’m very old school.” – Margot Robbie (Australian...
One thing that I think we can all agree upon is that 2020 was a hot mess. I am so grateful for our police, firefighters, EMS, doctors, nurses,...
With the festive holiday season behind me, I took some time to reflect on the gifts I received in 2019. Those gifts came in all shapes and sizes....
With the holidays behind me, I pondered the gifts I received in 2014. As I look over my list, I realize that each day is a gift, an experience to...