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A Far Cry…From Home – Book Review by Kathy Lewis

Feb 18, 2014 | A Far Cry…From Home, Book Reviews, Books & Publications, Books on Grief

The ultimate compliment an author can receive is when someone you have never met feels the need to “pay it forward” with your work. In Hixson, Tennessee, a thoughtful and caring woman by the name of Kathy Lewis sent me the following private message on Facebook after reading A Far Cry…From Home:

“I just read your book. My friend Kim gave it to me. You are an inspiration! And I had to let you know that a very dear friend lost her son a couple of months ago and is not doing so well. When I got the book last night, I read it entirely and could not put it down. And now I have this uncanny sense of urgency to get this book to my friend.”

One of my goals in writing A Far Cry…From Home was to be able to help someone else through their journey of losing a child. Knowing you are not alone in your grief shares many faces: the face of despair, the face of loss, and the face of a strength you never thought you would have to call upon. By sharing my story with her grieving friend, I hope Kathy realizes what an important step she took in her friend’s healing process. Thank you for paying it forward.

Thanks for reading!

– Sandy Richards

Sandy Richards is a devoted mom and celebrated author whose experience of losing a child has allowed her to connect, inspire and heal with other grieving parents through her memoir A Far Cry ...From Home and her blog. In addition, Sandy strives each day to inspire children to read, imagine, and smile through her award winning children’s books and ongoing volunteerism in her local school district. Sandy lives with her husband, Joe, in Milford, MI.